Monday, February 20, 2012


For mi papi
The mugs I made for my three little sisters

Fail or Win?

My sister, Jessica, is what some girls call a "Belieber." Huge Justin Bieber fan. Her birthday was the 12th and I know she wanted something Justin Bieber-ish. What major fan wouldn't want something that no other Justin Bieber fan had? A one of a kind?
So that's what I did. I made her this following the Funambulist Damsel blog.
My sister liked it and that's all that counts. But my expectations weren't met. Don't you hate when you have a great idea and it doesn't come through? So what do you think? Was this a fail or a win?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poem Tootin' Tuesday!

Since it's almost Valentine's Day. . .

Lesson of the Day

The other day we had 70 mph wind (new record for us yayy haha). So we couldn't let my 5 lb dog outside.  haha. This past week has been odd without Tasha and Ashley in my classes. I'm glad they're recovering. Pray for them please!
Also! Great news! Last year my teacher, Mr. Riley encouraged me to enter a national essay competition... AND I WON FIRST PLACE!! yay! When Mr. Riley told me, during health class, yes he totally barged in, pointed at me and said "you won first place, baby." And of course I started crying. That's how happy I was! I won an ipad! (haven't got it yet)
Well today all my classmates were in a debate against me. Every. Single. One.
I was alone! And stubborn me, I knew for sure that I was correct! They were saying that the Albany Conference and Albany Plan of Union happened AFTER the French and Indian War! NO!! It was clearly before the war! After a couple ten+ minutes of debating my teacher announced that I was correct. Yesss! Victory! Lesson: Never doubt yourself. Even when the world is against you.