Sunday, September 29, 2013

I have never and never will...

I have never and never will see the other side of the moon.

I have never and never will see the backside of my head with my own eyes.

I have never and never will cry at a Beatles concert. *sob

I have never and never will see a Dodo bird. They’re extinct.

I have never and never will find the end of a rainbow. I’ve tried it. I don’t think there is one!

I have never and never will make a “LMS for a Truth Is.” Wait, yes I have. I take that back.

I have never and never will set a record on Temple Run. My sisters are too good.

I have never and never will hate a Lana del Rey Song. God bless her soul.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A weird post, because I'm weird.

My favorite sounds in the world:
the breaking of celery because it's such a pure and fresh sound
the dramatic breaths of Florence and the Machine in the end of "Blinding." 
Oh my heavenly. God bless her

My favorite dessert I've ever eaten:
Let us flashback to last summer. Our priest gave us a Raspberry Crumb pie that someone made him haha I guess he had too much stuff at home. Man, did he miss out. I almost felt bad! I have never, not even to this day, had such a great dessert. Now every time I go to a church get together with food I keep my eye out for that heavenly pie.
The caption says: "This is why I wake up early. To beat everyone to the last piece of pie."
Note: This is the actual pie. 

My favorite chore:
Vacuuming. I especially enjoy our vacuum... such a trustworthy, machine thing. Love that thing.. It's my favorite chore because it's one of those things in which you lose yourself. You get into the cleaning and then concentrate on something else. It's a good time to be one with yourself. LOL Actually, for Christmas I asked for the new 360 vacuum. Didn't get it.

A song that makes me move no matter how I feel:
Danza Kuduro by Don Omar
Hey Jude by the Beatles
Midnight City by M83
Ohh.. oops.. just one song..?

A very patriotic moment:
Let's flashback again to my 5th grade Veteran's Day assembly. My teacher had the cool idea of turning off the lights in the gym, bringing in a HUGE flag and shining a light on it. I, dressed up as a soldier,  along with two other fifth graders, stood on a balance beam behind the flag. That way our shadows looked like that of a soldier behind the american flag. It was a great idea, but we stood there a good 50 minutes. Can you imagine standing on a balance beam for that long? I look back and am so proud of my younger self. I remember how proud of my country I was. That's when I realized that being Hispanic did not mean I couldn't be American or patriotic or proud of my home. 

A TV show rerun you that I could watch 38 times and not be sick of it:
Killer Within, Season 3 of Walking Dead

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I apologize for my lack of blogging

It's been cray over here, ladies and gentlemen! 
In the past month I've-
applied to my first colleges. HOLLA
It felt quite bittersweet. Just yesterday, my friend and I were talking about her new college and she texted me in reply, "Ha don't worry senior year will go by fast, you'll be here before you know it!"
taken charge of National Honors Society, one of the largest clubs in our school.
Since our advisor resigned, I as President, have taken charge. I now have a total new respect for all club advisors. It. is. so much. work.
played hours upon hours of tennis (this weekend alone was well over ten hours)
As much as I love tennis, I'm so glad the season is so short. Tennis just takes over your life when so many other things are fighting to take the same spot. I have so much to do and so little time. I'm gonna quit sleeping and eating here pretty soon. However, the season is going great. Despite girls team's inexperience, we went undefeated this weekend! Yeah, you read that correctly. We went 16-0 against three different teams around the state! And the boys are kicking butt as well. They went undefeated all of Friday but lost 2-3 on Saturday.
chatted with an inspiring from that I only get to see once a year
I got to know my friend Karen at work. She's that type of person that tells these random stories of her life whenever she wants. She isn't shy and gets her opinion out there. Her jumping of jobs has really inspired me. She's been in the forest service, worked as an air traffic controller, volunteer firefighter, landscape artist, and worked summers at a little gift shop with me :) And yet, she still doesn't know what she wants to be. It'd be cool to have experienced all the things she has, but I think I would want something steady throughout my life. Yet, she's not afraid! She's sixty-something years old and still hauling butt.
chatted with my best friend, Michelle
Want to know something funny? At school, I don't make an effort to talk to other human beings. I only see my friends if they're in my classes. I literally run between classes and run errands. The only people I make time to talk to are Skye and Michelle, both who no longer live here. Skye's in Belgium and Michelle moved to Boston. She's like, the only person I text haha. One day we were discussing soccer. She said it's a lot more intense in Boston than over here, which I'm sure is an extreme understatement.
I replied with one of the greatest text messages I've ever sent. Not meaning to brag...
"It made you question why you wanted to play? Because soccer doesn't change. It doesn't matter where you play or what language you speak. The rules are the same and everyone shares the same passion and drive for the sport. I'm sure you want something that is the same in the midst of all the change. And subconsciously, you wanted to make friends too!" BOOM.
got tickets to go to Boston. EEEE
My sisters always tell me to be very careful when I talk about Boston. I'm going for a journalism convention, but they say that "convention" makes me sound nerdy haha. They're too cute for their own good. Now every time I bring up Boston I tell who ever I'm speaking with that story.
I get to see Michelle while I'm there, too! I live the best of both worlds, as Hannah Montana would say.
pitied myself because my little sister has been asked to Homecoming and I have not. HAAA

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I feel like I just wrote my college thesis...

wait... I'm still in high school.

*Correction* If I had just written a college thesis, then I'm sure this is what I would feel like.

After so much work into this less than 2 minute video, it is complete. Thank God. I did have a blast though :)
In an attempt to document my summer, I filmed a second of every day. I tried to film the "highlight," or something that would made each day unique from the rest. Every moment was different, but every single one, a thrill. The best moments changed from sleeping in, eating food (my life like, revolves around the next meal) to having a party with some friends I had just met. As you can see, my summer one was the best one yet thanks to all those little things and great people :)
Filmed mostly with a Canon Vixia HF20 and EOS 7D, but occasionally and Iphone or Nokia Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.0/26
"Just A Second - Summer 2013 Video"

 This entire summer I looked at my daily life in a different perspective, through a different eye. I looked and lived my summer through a camera lens. 
Every time something exciting would happen I'd stop and run to get my camera if wasn't already in my hands. I had so much fun that I've began to think if working with a camera should be something I do as a living.....?