Thursday, May 31, 2012


How effervescent this day has been!! And it's not even over yet... Eeep! I'm taking Drivers Ed. I need to become a better driver, k? Today was my day to drive with the instructor in the reaaaaaal old car that has 'drivers education car' and 'student driver' written in huge large letters down the side of the car. real embarrassing. I'm not that girl that cringes in her seat the whole hour long ride hoping no one would see her btw, (my friend is. Haha she said she was so paranoid the whole ride) but I was still immensely nervous. This was the first time I have ever driven in town btw I just got my learner's permit yesterday!! We went out by the oil fields which is full of hills, sharp turns and such. I ended up being way better of a driver than I thought! So I get in the car with my family all happy right? And my mom tells me that Don Omar and Christy are having a babyyyyyyyy!!

Here they are! They're now parents!! How adorable.. they're high school sweethearts btw :)
I hope your day has been as effervescent as mine! And now to the carnival... ;D 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I am now an Upperclassmen!

GAHH! I am scared and UBER pumped for the next school year.. I'm now a Junior! eep!

A nice picture of my friends and I sitting on the Junior Wall..

Yesterday was the graduation of some close friends of mine. I cried 3 times. Haha I've been such an emotional baby lately.

 My foreign exchange student friend Sofia from Portugal!!

 Yes, I know I am blinking... but do you see the girl that I'm standing next to?
That's Ashley.. she's one of the kids that was in that horrible wreck in one of my earlier posts. (You can refresh you memory here.) She's all better now! God is good!

My bestestestest friend Katie and I

Friday, May 25, 2012

Snowing in May..

As you can see by the title of this post.. It's effin snowing in May!! My mom said there's also tornado warnings.. Grrrr weather. The only good thing that comes out of this is that we can wear our Uggs one last time ladies!! Despite the weather, it's been funnn. Let me describe last Thursday to you in full detail. Wednesday,  I started getting a horrible cold, naturally. So I decided to make some soup for myself... Something warm. I decided on something classic--tomato soup. It was disgusting!! So here goes what I did today in full detail.. Well maybe not full detail. First you must understand how heartbroken I've been since tuesday. My friend Brandon and I were gonna have a tennis lunch with some other kids on the team. Well Brandon couldn't make it which was too bad because it was going to be the last time we see him since his family was moving that friday. Wahhhh! :( I spoke to him thursday night over the phone accepting the fact that I would not get to say bye to him face to face. (please note that he is the sweetest boy I have ever met in my life so I'm really gonna miss him. To understand the extent of how much I loveee him get this-hehe I tell people that we're getting married when we get older and he's cominig back for me) so for me to see him this thursday morning was CRAZY AWESOME. We got our last picture taken together... And then went to Walmart hahah classic.
There's the picture! Blurry.. but it makes me so haapppyy.

And now something more recent...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Let's take a break from finals!

Exhausted. That is how I feel. I'm usually not the kind to have any coke but man am I just drinking that stuff up! Yesterday I had to babysit. We're all on Pinterest.. And you know how bad stuff can pop up that is not appropriate for kids at all no matter how careful you are. So we looked u p 'nails.' haha. We found this cool picture where you get a glass of water, mix a couple different colors of nail poish and then apply it. It looked like tie dye nailsss!! Now who doesn't want tie dye nails?! So we try it.. Mistake number one. After a handful a fails.. Literally. All the finger nails on my left hand were a complete sister said that your fingers are supposed to be dipped into the solution not applied haha. So we try it again. Mistake number 2. We were doin this in my room on my dresser btw with styrofoam cups. Mistake three. The nail polish went thru like acid.mwater everywhere. All over my dresser... So I run and get a towel, dry everything and then I hear something bounce off my dresser onto my carpet.. The nail polish. And of course it was the darkest of the three colors we were using.. Blue. So now I have blue stains on my carpet but I did get it off my dresser luckily. Mistake four. Now let's sit down with some finger sandwiches and tea and discuss the future. I'm terrified. There I said it. Tomorrow is the last day of my sophomore year in high school. In a few hours my high school career wll be half way through. Wow. Some of my friends cannot wait to get out of this small town (my best friend has a countdown to the day we graduate). I'm afraid of growing up. I'm afraid of having to cook my own meals. I'm afraid of having to live on my own. I don't even have a clue where I want to go to college or what career I want to pursue! GAH! Were any of you this terrified??? I don't cry very often.. But I've been a wreck lately. With my friends graduating, every day getting a step closer to my gradutuation, ugh it's been quite overwhelming. I cried four times yesterday alone.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What I find when I come home..

Finals are comin up this week blahhh. And I know I need something funny maybe you do too?
The following are videos that were either left on my laptop while I was off on a tennis trip.. or just made randomly by my younger sisters and their friend Elisha.
Does this even need a caption? I 'm not too sure what to say about it..

Have you heard Hunger Games "I Wanna Go?" It's UBER catchy and funny.
Well my sisters made a music video parody.. nuff said

Did you ever build a fort when you were little? haha.

My little sisters.. so silly.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Blast From the Past

Well busybeelauren made a post about all her past proms and has challenged us to do the same! I've never been to prom (still a sophomore in high school and have never been asked (ok i was asked freshmen year.. but that's a another post for another day....)) so here are some pictures from my past dances!!
 Back in middle school... isn't this a cool pic??

 Homecoming Sophomore year.
Do you see that random foot in the right side of the photo?! hahaha! 

 Winter Formal freshman year.. Can you spot me?
I can't either. I'm in there somewhere..

 This is clearly in the room of my best friend whose a HUGE Justin Bieber fan.
Can you see all the posters in the background? I liked my hair that day...

Amanda and I! She's one of my best friends :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Poem or Pinterest? Pinterest! Duh..

I'm looking for a poem right? Just me.. surfing the web.. and naturally I get on Pinterest somehow. (Now please remember that I was that girl that said I would never be addicted to Pinterest like most of the female population.. and now here I am)
So instead of a poem.. we're gonnna jam out and look at some of my Pinterest favorites :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Few Books You Have To Read!

Pleaseee (imagine me now on my knees) go to the closest library (today preferably) or go buy these on you Kindle (since that's the new thing! I prefer books in my hand. So then when I get real upset at a character's actions I can throw it at the wall! mwuahaha!) A list of books that you have to read.. revised by my friend..
Note: I am not putting the Twilight series on this list because that's a given. Everyone should read them. I'm sure God debated whether or not to make that the eleventh commandment. But eleven is just weird, so He kept it to ten.
1. The Host by Stephanie Meyer (for years people have said that this was going to be made into a movie.. will it ever happen? I want to watch in my lifetime at least!)
2. The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
3. Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clair (unfortunately the third one isn't out yet, but the first and second one will change you)
4. Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (When I read this book I had to go back, check the front of the book and make sure it was fiction. Amazingly written)
5. The Help by Kathryn Stockett.. excellent and full of humor. Def makes you think.
6. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I have read more than half of all his books.. they get very repetitive... but still great and make me want to curl up in a ball with a blanket and cryyyy!!
7. Shakespeare. Not a book. I know. Grrrr...
8. Last is best.. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (Typing those few words even gave me the chills... or maybe it was the AC.. nahhh.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Show & Tell!

 I hope I'm not alone when I say that when I was little I always looked forward to Fridays.. why? Was it because the weekend was even closer to grasp? Ehh.. It was because Friday is the day for Show & Tell!! Boom yes!
First: My favorite song... Naive by The Kooks.
I usually don't listen to this type of music but I like it! *giggle

Naive by The Kooks on Grooveshark

I recently went to a tennis tournament. Ah-mazing! Those girls were scarrrry good. My partner, and best friend Katie got slammed in the face! ouch.. and some other stuff!

Can you see the Star Wars kids in the background? They refused to take a picture with us! But that didn't stop us :) Why were they acting out episodes? Cuz it was National Star Wars Day! People literally went around saying.. "May the Fourth be with you.." 


That same day there was a DJ in the park! Man was that tournament a blast..

Please watch this..

Saturday, May 12, 2012

ABC's :)

Avatar the Last Airbender. When I was sick the other day I watched the Avatar. All day. Secret: I LOVED it! Shhh... don't tell.
Bakers are my favorite <3 (Peeta, mom, Katie.. talkin to you!)
Camera. I have such a deep enjoyment of photography.. but I suck at taking pictures.
Dinner..mmm food...
Ever finished the 1000 piece puzzle?  It's on my bucket list.. not there yet ha.
Fair. Synonym of carnival which is coming to town soon yayyy!
Grateful for all my blessings <3
Height: 5' 1'' and a quarter!
Instruments: I've been playing the piano for... 6 years? Always wanted the play the violin, guitar and DRUMS!
Jesus. Pray for us!
Katie. The name of my best friend.
Lasagna or macaroni and cheese? Lasagna, fo sho!
Mother's Day is this Sunday! What are you gettin your mama?
Nicknames: Abbey, Chives, Rock Hard Abs (back in the days)
Oh how I loveee Peeta Mellark!
Pet peeves: Oh boy.. get ready 1. I fold my HUGE bed beautifully and then someone jumps on it  2. When the girl starts the whole "I'm fat" thing gah 3. When you find a cute shirt.. look for your size... find an XL, 3XL.. and every other size except yours.
Quote of the day: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Righty or Lefty? Righty! 
Siblings: I have three younger sisters.. they're all tooo cute!
Time I wake up: 5:45 a.m. everyday
Ummm.. Morgan Freeman? One of my favorite actors! Along with Johnny Depp and Sandra Bullock!
Vegetarian: I go back to it a lot. One of the only things that I quit easily haha.
What are some of my favorite sounds? The breaking of celery... so fresh and pure <3 <3
X-rays that I've had: when I broke my nose and multiple finger and wrists x-rays.
Yuckiest thing that's ever entered my mouth: soy sauce.
Zipper. I love that carnival ride!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Book to Life Connection

How embarrassing yesterday was! When I first heard my teacher say.. "We're doing blood typing next Wednesday"... Oh my. I totally thought of Twilight when my homie Edward skipped class and Bella almost fainted. I think I subconsciously wanted to meet my own Edward Cullen, so I almost fainted! Gah.. I turned into such a wimp. Please do not judge me and put me into your deathly-scared-of-needles-girl list. I'm usually much stronger than that. I am so not afraid of needles But... human blood def freaks me out. Even discussing it. 
But I did find out that I'm A+

Thursday, May 3, 2012