Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 4

The third day without my baby sister. I love how I'm making a huge deal out of this haha. But really, I miss you. I've learned a lot of new things in this journey without you.. I've learned to become independent without you. I've learned that I need to study a lotttttt harder for my Anatomy and Physiology tests, because... and I know this is the case... I failed epically. I can't even continue. I'm so ashamed and disappointed with myself.
Oh and I also have fallen in love with these two songs. new favorites.

Gosh I so wish I could sing and play the violin. Gahhh
I look forward to your endless stories.

P.S.  Remember my favorite bands? (Beatles, Bon Jovi, Mumford and Sons, Florence + the Machine, Hollywood Undead) Well Bon Jovi has a new album!! eeee!! Also, Breaking Dawn Part 2 comes out on DVD tomorrow. My excitement is uncontrollable.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Awkward Day 3

I forgot to tell you that yesterday morning I slept in! When I sleep in and snooze through my multiple alarms its alright, because you wake me up. But yesterday you were not here. Consequently, the whole house slept in and mom and dad had to take us to school haha. Yeahh awkward. So I missed you.
I just got back from CCD where we discussed purgatory and ate cupcakes. What a lovely combination... You missed out. After CCD I was going to drive home in my new car, Adela Jude, (that's her name. Isn't it absolutely lovely? It's simple, yet exquisite. AJ for short) and I just stood there dumbfounded... In the parking lot.. Because I don't know what my car looks like at night... Awkward... And again, you missed out on that little adventure.
Now let us rewind a bit and cover my day.
This morning Anthony told me good job.. Randomly... And he was serious... Awkward...
Then later I was sitting in the broadcast room and stretching. I put my hands behind my back and felt some sort of soft silky fabric. Assuming it was Kayla's jacket, I began running my fingers through it.. And then Anthony said, "that's my lanyard." Hahaha mega awkward..
During lunch I got food stuck in my braces, nothing new... But the bell rang and I had to get to class or Mr. beardall was going to give me detention since I'm late everyday.. So I asked if I could go to the bathroom.. He asked why.. And i had to tell him that I needed to get stuff out of my teeth... Awkward.. On the way home I met the little boy that kissed Vicky on the bus. He began staring at me.. But I mean really staring at me.. Like into my soul.. Awkward.. And then everyone said, "you're next!" I don't want to be next...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 2

Dear Jessica,
I'm sure you're hiking miles and miles in below degree weather right now! But I'm sure you're having so much fun. As I type this I think back to Saturday night when the boys and I were arguing.. Anthony constantly says, "Abbey, it's true! Never happened." I gave the video a chance and have done more research. Sandy Hook is not a government conspiracy.
Anthony and others claim that the "parents" are paid actors. The only good point the crazy theorists have is this: The whole gun debate concerning assault weapons has really ignited after Sandy Hook. However, Adam Lanza never used an assault weapon... yeah...
I find this disgusting and offensive. My apologies to the families that have to add this crap on top of losing their family member.
On a happy note, I got my car today! I also went to piano practice.. and saw Tracy at walmart! Pretty normal day. Pretty Little Liars was exceptionally intense too!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 1

My sister is gone for the next 5 days for Expedition Yellowstone. Ahh I remember going on the same trip when I was a mere guppie in the eighth grade.

We snowshoed in the Mammoth in Yellowstone National Park for miles every day. The guide taught us so much I can't even begin to tell you. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I look forward to the day I am old enough to chaperone.
As a little joke, I am going to make a blog update each day for my sister.. so she doesn't miss anything! hahah when I went on the 5-day trip my sisters left me soooo many notes and drawings. It was touching. I shall return the favor. Through blog posts.
Day 1 
Ok, let's go straight to the food. Dinner was absolutely great! It's been a while since I've eaten so much! I munched on some green beans, homemade potato salad, chicken and salad. Then Vicky made me a nice sundae.. yum yum. I practiced some piano because I made the terrible mistake of promising my teacher I would memorize 4 pages of sheet music for the piano competition. Big mistake, big mistake. I'm already frustrated.
Like everyday, I learned a lot in school today. I would very much like to share what I learned today, with you dearest Jessica, my sister.
1. Bone is considered connective tissue.
2. Blood is considered connective tisssue too.
3. Steve Hartman is a very talented man. He made me cry.
Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that I bought a car today.. I guess that's big news. My first car. I look forward to all the adventures we will share in that car, Jude. I think that's its name. Cya!

Monday, February 18, 2013

cutest little lady..

Once upon a time a girl named Abbey and her family went to this little old lady's apartment to help her clean. While cleaning all her picture frames and artwork she noticed that each one had a piece of tape and a name on it. So she asked her mother about them.. Her mother responded, "She doesn't want her family to fight over what is rightfully theirs when she dies. So she already put names on everything she wants to give to people and the rest is will be donated." Abbey stood in awe at the answer.
Marilyn, is very well prepared. She is so sweet and very smart. She returned from church shortly after and remembered me! She even remembered that I won the essay contest.. for the second year in a row. My friends don't even remember that! I continued cleaning around the house while she sat to talk with my sisters. She was sooo funny. I didn't wander too far off so I could stay within hearing distance. Marilyn asked my sisters about school and always replied with "Oh my God!" I'm not kidding. She is so adorable. She also couldn't get over how clean her glass cabinet was.. my mom had cleaned before she came.
Marilyn: "So you guys all like school, then?"
Sisters: "Yes." 
Marilyn: "Oh my God! My boys never liked school.. but they weren't that smart. Are you smart?"
Jessica: "Uhh yeah."
Marilyn: "Oh my God! Are you smart?"
Vicky: "Umm, yeah sure."
Marilyn: "Oh my God! Are you smart?"
Nathalia: "Yeah."
Marilyn: "Is your dad smart? Oh wait, I know your dad is smart. Is your oldest sister smart?"
Sisters: "Yeah."
Marilyn: "Wow! Is your mom smart?"
Sisters: "Yeah."
Marilyn: "I just can't get over how clean that is! Oh my God! Wow!"
Just imagine me.. sweeping and dusting.. overhearing this all.. and smiling the whole time :) Sometimes they'd make me laugh..
Marilyn: "So you guys speak Mexican?"
Sisters: "Uhh, yeah we do."
My sisters didn't want to correct her and say Spanish haha. I wouldn't have either. Too cute.
Marilyn: "Wow! How?"
Jessica: "Uhh, I don't know. We just grew up speaking it."
Marilyn: "Oh my God! Wow! How can you tell the difference between the languages? How do you do it?"
Then my mom came in: "Well at home I never speak English with them. I only speak in Spanish. Sometimes they respond in English, but they're not allowed to."
Marilyn: "Oh my God! You don't speak English?"
Mom: "Only to other people. Or we speak English to eachother when we're with other people, like right now, with you."
Marilyn: "Wow! How do you do it? Do you guys eat Mexican food?"
Sisters: "Yes, everyday." I'm sure they groaned after that hahaha
Marilyn: "Oh my God! Well let's say you guys went to McDonald's. Would you order.. hmm.. well I suppose they don't have Mexican food. Would you guys eat something from McDonald's?"
Sisters: "Well, yeah. We eat American food too."
You can guess what she said next.. "Oh my God!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I'm finally a Jibunoir! I remember looking at the Juniors with such awe as they told me of their latest adventure.. and just wishing that my Junior year would come faster. Here I am. I need it to slow down. However, there is one festivity I'm quite eager about--PROM.
*Girly part starts now
What dress should I get? What kind? I'm very short and I know I don't look very good in long dresses. I'm also quite self conscious in sweethearts.... I've never been to Prom before so.. I'm very excited ha.

I really like this one! The sweetheart isn't too bad for me.. and then I think it won't look too bad once the bottom gets tailored.. 

The shoulder part is cool..

The high low part ruins this dress for me. The beading is lovely though. Just what I like.

I really hope to find a dress similar to this and try it on. Absolutely adore.

I also need to try this dress on. I would feel like a princess!!

I would feel so self conscious with the whole open leg part.. nice beading though.

I. want. this. dress. so. bad.
Not for prom.. but for another occasion. Any occasion. This is so perfect.

Hahaha feathersss

yay bellies!!

*Girly part ends now

Sunday, February 10, 2013

and then I thought, "I need to blog about this."

Do you ever just lay down late Sunday night and think.. What a weekend. 
Friday I went to lunch with my friend and her sister.. I was supposed to go to the basketball game, but I just didn't feel like it. So I stayed home and drew! I'll post pictures later. They're going to an art show wooooh! :D
Saturday was hectic, of course. 9th Annual Horton Hears A Who party! Each year the entire community comes together to celebrate life and have a good time. (haha that sounded pretty cliche but it's the truth. Pictures later, sorry) Every year I'm put in charge of the cake walk.. and I have sooo much fun. I love it. However this year, I was put in charge of the coin toss. Not as fun, but I wasn't bored. The kids were sooo cute. I went to bed very satisfied with the day.. but woke up at 3:00 am... with the sound of my sister barfing in the bathroom. Greaaaat. I guess she spent the entire night in the bathroom and didn't get any sleep. Poor thing. So my mom took her to the clinic in the morning.. and left me with my dog and other sister. Of course... the other sister starts puking when she's gone. I begin disinfecting everything. I did the dishes, laundry.. scrubbed down every handle, door knob, every surface.. everything. I washed my hands so many times they now feel like raisins. I brushed my teeth like 7 times today. Washed my face too. It was just my dog and I.. against the world of germs. I thought, "This feels like I Am Legend." Just us against the world.. all alone.. So I watched the movie :) Spoiler. But then it got to the part where Dr. Neville had to kill Sam.. and I started crying so hard. I couldn't compare my day to the movie anymore. I didn't want to be forced to kill my dog :( But the movie was great nonetheless. So I continued my day wearing an apron with pockets.. and in the pockets were two big bottles of germex: my best friend :) Pictures later, sorry again.
After quite the day.. I laid down to relax.. and then I thought, "I need to blog about this."
Pictures later because I'm already comfy,
Abbey the germaphobe :)

Friday, February 8, 2013


It's weird to think how my goals are similar to the students in the 3rd grade class I mentor. Let me tell ya. Right now we're working on goal setting. The majority of the kids wanted to be nicer to their siblings and get the best grades possible on their upcoming spelling test. My goal was to be a better role model to my younger sisters and pass my Anatomy/Phys exam (it was super, super hard btw). The same goals! Very funny.
Side Note: I'm mentoring with my friend.. and let's just say that he looks kinda like Peter Parker from Spiderman.. So we walk in to the room and all the kids are like... "Spiderman!" "Peter Parker!" "Can you hang from the ceiling?" The kids were totally convinced that my friend was Peter Parker.. or at least his sibling. They even asked him if he's ever been bit by a spider. LOL

Oh, and watch this video.

Monday, February 4, 2013

I am so blessed.

I have never felt so blessed in my entire life and I cannot thank God enough.
I always pray for others, but I never sit down and take the time to thank God for all the things I'm lucky enough to have (or not enough).
Thank You for letting me see another day.
Thank You for all the great friends I have.
Thank You for giving me braces so I can have the most beautiful smile possible (even though they make me look like a baby haha. I'm already little and look young.. but these braces... Let's just say that two middle schoolers have tried to pull a move on me cuz I look so young ha)
Thank You for letting me go to a school in which I learn something new everyday.
Thank You for helping me win more essay competitions.
Thank You.
Now for some shenanigans..
Because this is an awesome pick up line.

Because I was there!!

Because this is sooo cooool

Because getting food all over your face would look ridiculous

Because this picture really captures the essence of the relationship

Because I. Love. This. Movie