Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Poem Tootin' Tuesday- Hunger Games Poem for the Dead

Hunger Games premiere is March 23rd! I figured a Hunger Games poem would be appropriate for this week.
"This is a poem for all the Hunger Games readers, for Rue, Clove, foxface, and all who were doomed to die in the arena.

The innocents were trapped there,
Left to face the facts, 
That Mum won't come to save them,
and neither dear old Dad.
The names were drawn by the hands of the cruel,
The parents of children, who watched through and through,
The parents of children who laugh at their pain,
Their sorrow, their tears of anguish and hate,
Those innocent children who sit at Hell's Gate.

The stupid ones will volunteer,
Don't realize what they've done, 
Until they're forced onto the platform,
And pulled away from Mum.
A tear rolls from their hollow eyes.
And up in the heavens God can hear all their cries
Those cries of course are of anguish and hate,
Those stupid little children who sit at Hell's Gate.

The sky will be painted a deathly glow, 
As the start is announced by President Snow,
And twenty-three families who watch until the end,
Will cry and feel sick, look towards a friend,
And the children returned,
Their eyes deepened and dead,
You think of the message the Capitol said.
By killing your children we are putting you straight.
But not those poor little innocents that had died at Hell's Gate."

Poem written by puppyninja12

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