Tuesday, October 16, 2012

7 Life Lessons Written by an Almost-17-year-old

1. "Pain is like cloth. The stronger it is the more it's worth." Never cry out in pain. Instead, learn to offer up that pain to God for your own sins.
2. In the end, your family wil be there for you.. not your friends or your job. So respect and love your family. You should treat them even better than you treat your friends (I always have trouble with this one).
3. Always smile (especially to strangers. It might be the only sunshine they see all day!!).
4. Pray.
5. Be independent.
6. Try new things and be open-minded. I've totally experienced this my Junior year. I'm thinking of playing soccer in the Spring, going back to volleyball, and I'm joining sooo many clubs and groups. Try new things guys.. we have nothing to lose. The other day I decided to represent the teenagers and young children of our parish and be in the Parish Council. I was appointed along with a Senior :) Represent! ha.
7. Learn at least one new thing a day.
My birthday is this Sunday.. 
I'm so excited!!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I've been hacked

A couple weeks ago I noticed some suspicious stuff on my Facebook..
As in my relationship status was changed from "single"to "in a relationship status."
Uh uh. No. No. I'M SINGLE! 
At first I assumed that it was one of my friends playing a joke on me..
I was all like..

And now I get on facebook and it says this
You've got to be kidding me

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Christian Pick-Up Lines

A while ago I found this site with Christian pick up lines. They. Are. Hilarious. 
Unlike my friends who say they would be creeped out, I think it'd be uber cute and sweet if a guy
tried one of these lines on me hahaha!!!!
Here are the best of the best... well, just my favorite.

You can find more here.

Bye girl,

Friday, October 5, 2012

A little fact about me..

for their jokes!!

Where do aliens get their milk?
The milky way.
 ^all time favorite^
That was funny wasn't it? haha.

What did the finger say to the thumb?
I'm in glove with you.

Why was the tomato blushing?
It saw the salad dressing.

What's green and has wheels?
A green car.
Oh, you don't like that one? Sorry.

Where can you find an ocean without water?
On a map.

What are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday. The other days are weekdays.

How did the church bell propose to the other bell?
He gave her a ring.

Happy Columbus Day!

P.S. My friend texted me this...
"You are the the G in gnome. Without the you, there is no me;)"

P.S.S And this one because it's just too cute..