Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I am that third wheel.

and not the cool third wheel...
but like, the awkward third wheel that just happens to be there...

Examples: I walk behind three couples every single day to get to art class. Then when I get to art class I sit by my two friends.. that are dating. We sit in a pod of four and yes, there are many awkward moments when I have to literally put my headphones in so they can whisper a secret to each other. In my favorite class (broadcast journalism) my two friends flirt with each other the whole dang time. These things don't bother me at all! They just make me realize how much of a third wheel my life is haaa. The other day my friend asked me to go to lunch. The day of the lunch we met up.. and her boyfriend was there.. "Hey Abbey! I forgot that insert name here and I were going to lunch today. I know you wouldn't mind, so I just told him to tag along!" You know what's next-Third wheel.
Even when I stay after school in the ceramics classroom.. I'm always working on the third wheel. hahahah! get it?
Haha you have any "third wheel" moments?

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