Thursday, May 9, 2013

I've been having a lot of epiphanies lately...

As I was driving to school this morning and pondering on a lot of deep things... because driving to school is the perfect time to think about deep issues (and when showering...).. I thought about how disappointed I was in myself for not winning the Al Neuharth Award. My friend won it instead, yay for her! I wasn't happy for her in the beginning though. I was a pretty sore loser, actually. Very spoiled, sore loser. But I thought this morning about how blessed I am. I don't need to go somewhere to become a better journalist. I can do that right here! Later, I felt like God congratulated me for my positive thinking. I was offered an internship (for CNN!!) and Mr. Riley invited me to attend next year's conventions in Boston, Orlando and San Diego! God is good. And now my other epiphany..

"Once you hate something, you become an expert on it." -Mama Bell
Let us now take a few seconds (maybe thirty?) to ponder on that quote. Let us pause just as we all did when we were children after Dora the Explorer told us to repeat after her.
(This picture is for you, Skye!)
Is this the truth, or what?!
Think of what you hate, despise, and then ask yourself, "Am I an expert in it?"
I'm drawing this picture in art class. 
Yeah, I know. It's what the average high school girl draws- someone dancing on the beach. So cliche. I hate cliche things. Like, absolutely hate. Although, I do know more cliches than the average human being. I even know where a lot of cliche sayings originated from. But that's why I chose this drawing! I like the change of values and how cliche it is.
When my friend told me this quote... her mom always says it... I thought to what I hate. The saying is correct! I hate abortion and I like to consider myself an expert on it! (That will be another post. Just wait :)) I also preach about the horrors of pop and Tyson chicken (another post :)). What do you hate? Is this saying true for you?


  1. 1) That quote is totally true to me!! Haha it's like when we don't like someone... we find out their whole entire background. Like a CIA agent! ha.
    2) I really hate school. So I've become an expert on it. I have basically masted 1000 ways to talk your way out of class, write an 8 page research paper in one night, and give a presentation on something I have no clue about.
    3) I really really really like that photo! :) Hijo de la gran.....
    4) In my heart you won that award! Al Skyeharth Award.

    1. aw Skye! Thank you for the award :) it means a lot.
