Monday, May 20, 2013

Why I Want Four Arms

I strongly believe that the bigger the family the longer the Walmart trips. Because I live in a family of six, our grocery trips can get quite lengthy. So, I have to find something to keep myself entertained. Today I explained to my sisters the cons of having an extra arm. Halfway through my argument, I realized that with one extra arm my body would have too much weight on one side. I would need another arm to counteract the extra weight. So four arms it is!
1. You can don't have to choose between what nail design you want to get done. Get em both! The ladies will be absolutely dying to get me as a client-double the money! 
2. I always miss the ball when I play volleyball. Now I'll have double the chances!
3. Why can't I think of any more? There are just too many...
My youngest sister asked me where I would want the extra limbs. At first I thought near my waist, but she pointed out that I would need a whole new wardrobe with extra holes. Then I thought that I could have them right below my other arms! Can you imagine putting on deodorant each morning? lol
I think the only bad thing about having double the amount of arms is double the BO... and all the weird stares you would get from people... but I am willing to take it. There are so many advantages.
May I be blessed with more arms,

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