Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hey, I have a lot of free time

     When one isn't at the register at work, then they're keeping up with the constant changes and maintenance of the store. Billions of shirts need folding because tourists have an urge to want to purchase the one at the bottom of the stack. (OK, not billions.. but you get the point :) I tend to exaggerate) The shirts are wrecked easily and quickly and it's our job to make sure the store looks nice. Appearance is everything, right? So this means I have a lot of free thinking time. Not a bad thing...
     One day I went into work still in the NCIS mindset. The episode I was still thinking about was the season 9 finale- "Till Death Do Us Part." It's the one where a father seeks revenge on the United States (specifically NCIS) after his son's death. The episode was so great I was still thinking about my sisters' reaction to the father's terroristic actions when I got to work. My sisters repeatedly said that he was a crazy, disgusting, psychopath. As a journalist, I have learned to look at all sides of the story. I put myself in his shoes and sort of began to understand why things like this happen. If someone you cared about was slaughtered you would also want revenge. I think I would have to be very strong to hold myself back from committing such awful action. Wouldn't we all seek revenge? It's crazy what I think about, right haha? I was trying to understand the reasons behind murders hateful crimes.
     On a brighter note... My mind is not filled with such dark, deep thoughts at work. Most of the time I'm laughing with my lovely coworkers... or just playing with the guns ;)
     Jenny, the cutie on the far right who knows how to properly hold a remington (she recently shot her first buffalo), had the funniest blonde moment last night. Skye was kind enough to get the three of us some ice cream and also asked one of the older guys if he wanted some did too, because that's the polite thing to do! He declined and said, "Oh that's ok. It gives me heartburn. Thanks though." Jenny looked at him and gave him the look. Who could decline ice cream from the oh-so-wonderful Dairy Queen?! She said, "But it's cold!!" hahaha there comes a point every night when we're too tired to think before we say something. The ice cream was very much needed.
      After laughing at Jenny's moment for a few minutes we went back to work and I went back to thinking. I was thinking about how everyone, and don't say you don't do this, changes their voice when they talk to someone on the phone. Or... when you help someone at the register. I told this to Jenny and Sam and they agreed! I noticed that Jenny, who is going to major in elementary education, speaks to everyone like they're in kindergarten. "Ok. I'll help you right over here, sir." I do it too.. Every dang time someone comes to the register I say, "Are you ready?" And when I'm done checking them out I mentally slam my head against the glass. Of course they're ready to check out! Why would they look at me expectantly and set their stuff on the counter?! Duh!
     Earlier that day.. yes most of this happened yesterday.. it was an extremely interesting and enjoyable day.. I was thinking about how much I love when those on tours come in to the store. The store is packed full like popcorn exploding out of the bag. I have so much to do between checking people out and helping others find what their hearts desire. The time passes by much faster. I've noticed that the tours with a lot of kids all have something in common. The kids are all divided into small groups and given a group name. It's very smart! Yell out your team name and the kids come crawling back to you like lost puppies. Very smart indeed! So I thought hmmmm... and began to day dream... In my dream I was sitting on the airplane to Boston with Mr. Riley. I asked him, "Mr. Riley if you really loved me you would promise to do this ok?" He promised he would do whatever I asked of him and then I turned to the girls on the plane. I whispered to them that we were to make up a ridiculous team name that Riley would have to yell out in Boston haha. So we began to brainstorm a team name that we could all agree on. I thought, "Well what do we all have in common?" Nothing. And this is true. We're all so different and yet great friends. The next thing I said was hilarious.. and remember this was a dream... "So who here has AIDs? No one? Good! We shall be called Those without AIDS." And since Mr. Riley promised he had to call us that in the crowded city of Boston, MA. Ahhh what I think about at work...

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