Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Senior Pictures.... Yeah, it's that time of the year again.

Bonjour! Good evening!
Tu m'as tellement manqué! I missed you so much!
I've been practicing my french because Skye leaves for Belgium in 3 weeks! (inserts sobs and tears of joy here)
Now let's get right to it.
Two of my past tweets:
"Remember when we were little and everyone would ask each other what color of braces they should get?"
"I still have braces. What color should I get?! eeeee *girly shrieks* hahahaa"
I get my colors changed this next Wednesday, so this question has been on my mind. I have to consider that I will have that color on during my senior pictures.. hmmm.. I'm thinking clear or purple.
Senior pictures portray who you are, but I don't know who I am yet. Therefore, I'm not too sure how I want my senior pictures to look like. I do know I want something different, funny and creative. Don't we all haha? I've been looking through pinterest and made my own board haha. Some are so pretty! Most of them are the cliche looking-off-into-the-distance-and-pondering-my-future-look which I will have to try a few time, because you just have to. But I want something else... I'd like to have something new and funny, because I do know I'm a funny person.

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