Saturday, July 28, 2012

Shakespeare, men drooling,. And much more..

First. Did I tell y'all I now work on Tuesdays.. During Pretty Little Liars?? GAH. 
Second. I now have a black eye. I got in a fight with a girl. Jkjk. None of you believed me, did you guys? So last Friday I got multiple fwds inviting me to go play glow in the dark ultimate frisbee. I Stopped by after work.. Said hello to some friends I hadn't seen all summer and ran a tonnn. We all got way into basically I head butted with b-wags, except I'm the only one that came out with any injuries. Grrrr. I'm now called Abbey Balboa at work hahaah. Does it make me look tougher? 

That's a bit controversial. The tourists wont stop staring though, thats for sure. One asked me if I was in the rodeo and rode the bulls.. No sorry honey, I don't ride bulls. But most people just joke and ask me if I won the fight..I like to play along :) 
Third. Yesterday a guy came in, right? Yes I know lots of guys come in to the store, but this guy is one of those people that just can't stop talking. They never run out of subjects or stories! But this guy... 
He. Was. Drooling. All. Over. The. Counter. 
I'm not kidding. And guess who had to help him?? Germaphobe Tracy, my manager hahah! 
Fourth. I went and watched Shakespeare in the park today! It was sooo good! They performed 'Hamlet.'

 Fifth. Remember when I told you guys that my friend had eye surgery again? Sky and I went to visit her the other day! She said she and her mom drove all the way to Salt Lake, but on the way back they had to take a different route home! They said that they had to go a different route because of the elevation! 

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