Saturday, August 17, 2013

6 Things You Should Know About Me

1. Is this how you imagined your life would be?
No way, Jose. I thank God every day for the people that he's put in my life. No way would I have such a great job and love my classes so much if it weren't for the people He put in my life. Or did He put me in their lives? I have decided to go into broadcast journalism, but I know I wouldn't have decided that on my own. I am so blessed for everyone in my life-my friends and family. #livinthedream
2. If money were no question, I would purchase...
And I'm not going to be one of those pageant girls that say, "I would save some for college and the rest I would donate to charities and cancer research..." I genuinely would want to give my grandmother money and those in her hometown. As for me, being in the college research mindset, I would apply to my dream college- Columbia Journalism School in New York City. If only money were no question...
3. What's your drink of choice when out with girlfriends?
All things Dairy Queen. #nobrainer
4. What do you love about yourself?
I hate these type of questions. I don't know. My smile?
5. Name one good deed that you did that went unseen.
As much as I love awkward moments, I feel a bit uncomfortable with these type of questions. Oh well. Back in middle school I packed a lunch almost everyday. However, one day I remember standing in line because it was one of the few days the cafeteria was serving pizza. And lemme tell ya. That pizza was good. Sent directly from God himself, or made by God himself. Well I recall seeing one pizza left when I was up to choose. I know the girl behind me, a less fortunate girl, wanted it so I decided to get the gross, clumpy rice. That's my good deed. As insignificant as it is, I will always remember it.
6. What hobbies do you have that you don't mention on the blog?
I'm one of those weird kids that love school. I one hundred percent enjoy learning and being surrounded by classmates. So I shall proclaim learning as a hobby :) I also try to spend a few minutes every night staring at the stars. #nerd I also spend a lot of time hashtagging stuff. Sometimes I accidentally speak in hashtags.. or on purpose...

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