Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Quick Story Ladies and Gentlemen

Let's get right to it. Yesterday I brought some left over enchiladas to work to eat on my break. I packed the homemade munchies on a plastic plate with a fork and covered it with tin foil. I placed it in the fridge and went to work. A few hours later, on my break, I open the fridge door and look for my lunch. No plate. However in the corner I some tin foil with a familiar looking fork on top. I remove some tin foil, take a peek, and discover my dinner. But where was my plate?? Who would steal my plate instead of the mouth watering enchiladas? Especially since there are plates on top of the microwave not even a step away. Odd. Now let's back up to last summer. Trying to save money, I packed myself a sandwich almost every day for lunch. But one day my sandwich was gone and I'm pretty sure someone ate it. It wasn't too much of a loss since someone bought me dinner from my favorite restaurant in town :) I just hope this doesn't turn into a summer tradition haha. As Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs (1992 version) said, "Let's figure out who the bad guy is."

1 comment:

  1. TBH.... haha JK! Im glad you had a bagel though!!! :)
