Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I can't believe I'm blogging during PLL

I never put up any pictures from Yellowstone gahh!! Here they are.. enjoy.

 We're pointing to our new friend, a ladybug! 
And we started thinking about something..
Ladybugs are not all females right? Then was such a feminine name given to the species?
Poor boys...


Yes, all my sisters are basically the same height as me..

Mini medicine wheel!!

 Even Barbie needed a break after a long day of hiking!

 My cute puppy...

So I found these little flower pots and I plan to paint them and put a picture up later.
 I'm going to make one for each of my sisters and one for myself.. and then we can
each plant something.. whatever we want and watch it grow over the summer :)
So Friday, Saturday and Sunday I was in a tennis tournament with my bestie Katie.
We got second place!! eeeep!!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oh the irony..

So the other day my dad was at Kmart right? (or was it Albertson's? Not sure.. but it's unimportant) And I guess my friend ran up to him and said, "You're Abbey's dad right? Can you help me? I have no idea what this couple is saying and I'm sure they have no idea what I'm saying.." My family speaks Spanish right..so my dad went over there and met this couple from Spain. They exchanged emails and said they were going to Yellowstone National Park for the following couple days. Which is pretty cool, right?
So end up going to Yellowstone.. and guess who we see.. The couple from Spain!!!  Oh it was ironic.
So I've been all about fitness lately. (Did you know that back in middle school my nickname was 'Rock Hard Abs' because... well let's just say that I had some nicee abs) I want my abs back.. plus more muscle weight and a more toned body.. I love running on trails and around town but it's just not doing the trick anymore. So I've been doing my research and found something called the Insanity Workout.
I. WANT. IT. Don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat that wants everything.. but I really, really want this. So tell me. Is it worth the money?  I like a challenge and I really do want to be in the best shape I can be in.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

(Credit to my sister Jessica for finding this photo on pinterest)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Oh my... whatta day!!
I've been working a lot lately..been called 15 and 12 years of age gah!! And today...
someone asked if I was in college!! and also... *drum roll*
today at work my boss (very, very persuasive lady) helped a man who decided to purchase a Native American dress on display... Gorgeous dress.. I checked him out (I'm a cute little cashier :) ) and the total came to over $10,000.
I was shaking... Everyone was so happy hahaha! Pretty awesomeee...

My good friend Miss Anna is now in a relationship. Wanna know how Jared asked her out? It's soooo sweet.... watch it please! (click in the link.. NOW (pleaseeee))

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cool, eh?

The crooked tree forest of Gryfino, Poland. So radical...

I could not even control myself when I saw this.. GAH!! Up is for sure, without a doubt, one of my favorite movies. Love!! The more I look at it.. hmm... this is actually creepily awesome.

(Lately I've been saying things like "radical," or "righteous," or "stellar." 
I like it!)

Remember how I said that it's snowing in May? Yeah.. we found this cool cave thing. 
We had to pull over haha. (My face looks weird in this pic.. Oh well!)

Isn't this gorgeous!? My friend was here (Multnomah Falls, Oregon) and sent it to me.


 I'll let ya'll know how this turns out.. this is so going down sometime this summer

nothin but the truth..

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm engaged..

For those of you who believed me..I'm only a Junior in high school haha!!
But really. If Captain America asked me to marry him the ring could look like this...

K that's all bye :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ya Bored?

Hey are ya bored? Ok. Let me pump up your life a lil.
Oh my isn't this the best picture ever? 
We took this while on a ride in the carnival... I know. I'm talented. hehe :)

 Oh my funny.

 Oh my of course I chose Peeta!

 Oh my fail.

 Oh my beautiful Neveah <3

 Oh my cute William

 Oh my flirty Neveah!

 Oh my cuteee couple hahaha

 Oh my I'm in the paper!!

Oh my silly sister..

 Oh my yummy gluten-free homemade chocolate chip cookies!!!!!

 Oh my legit cake.

 Oh my not funny.

Oh my PINK Nissan

 Oh my I'm makin this.

Oh my creative..

Oh my YES.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh my McKay!

Remember my little Vocal Point flip out? Well I saw them perform live! Second row babayyy! 
Plus McKay remembered me!!!!!!!!

McKay and I <3
Am I blinking in every single picture lately?? Oh well..

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Salt and Ice Challenge anyone?

My friend Ed tried the salt and ice challenge.. this was the result.
Have ya heard of it?? (Have ya heard of the cinnamon challenge? Can that really kill you?)
Here is a LUDICROUS video of Glozell Salt and Ice Challenge.... SO FUNNY. 
When I tried this challenge.. on a tennis trip, naturally hehe.. it was definitely painful and left 
red bubbly skin. I still have a scar and that was in the first week of May.. it was fun though haha.