Wednesday, October 23, 2013


If I earned a dollar each time someone asked me the questions, "Where are you going to college?" or "What do you want to be when you grow up?", I would probably make 10 bucks a day. That's a solid 70 dollars a week. Hollaaa
I always reply with the same answer, "Oh. I don't know. I think staying in state would be the smartest thing to do, financially. I'm also leaning towards journalism..." 
The other day, Monday, I turned 18 years old. And today it finally hit me. 
I'm living in the prime of my life. When I look back to the best times and highlights of my life, I know I'll look back to these. I can become whoever I want and do whatever I want. I just need to remain confident, have a strong work ethic and stick to my morals. 
If I stick to the solid life I'm living now, I can accomplish anything! I can be a doctor, despite my uneasiness with blood. I can be a pharmacist, even though I'd rather suffer through death than do any chemistry. Realistically though, I should be a journalist, because I have a dream of helping others. I basically live in the studio anyway, and I don't mind it! 

The point is... I can be whoever I want.


  1. Hollllla for a working girl!! Will you please go to college with me?!?!?! I am gonna need so much help studying and stuff :P Oh and I got a packet from the University of Liege and Namue yesterday!! So we can go to Belgian college! YAY HOLLA

    1. woah! We're going to college in Belgium? I think college is going to be a hard adjustment.. but I don't think I could handle also learning a new language!!

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