Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Free Time

I haven't had this much free time in so long. It's weird not having a huge project due, or a few essays to write or a book to finish before school on Monday. I have no real obligations this Christmas break and it's soo nice. I. Feel. Free. Like this---
Now I just need Leonardo DiCaprio ;)
 I plan to finally get all my Pinterest DIY craft dreams started and completed with my sisters.

Yes, I will build my very own Narnia in my home over break.

I also need to finish my drawing.

and make these gems.

aaand beg my little sister to make this for me

decorate ornamentsss

Costume makeup :)

I shall also find the patience and motivation to paint these.. but I've said that for years. Prob not gonna happen.

I didn't get this sweater btw but it's alright. I'll just get it for myself
However, I did receive a bunchhh of scarves. That part of my dream list did come true haha
(You can see the rest of the list here)
My favorite gifts- nice boots and a fancy keyboard. I've been playing it as much as possible
I feel like a freaking Beethoven when I do play it. Good feelings.
Please enjoy the rest of your break with your family. 
Feel free to jimmy jam to my latest favorite jimmy jams.

Ultimate favorite music video as of yesterday.

I love the synchronization and symmetry!! The video is a little weird for me... I like it.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To-Do List Before the End of the World

1. Buy out a Justin Bieber concert. So when he comes I'll be all like heyyyy :)
2. Tell everybody I love them... including strangers
3. Play messy twister where you use paint for the dots
4. Find a four leaf clover
5. Throw a dart on a map and travel to wherever it lands
6. Meet and tell Jenna Marbles that she makes my Wednesdays!
7. Sneak into Area 51
8. Meet someone in an elevator
9. Learn to sing as well as Adele and then how to beat box
10. Go to the park and try to swing a full 360 degrees
11. Pray like there's no tomorrow *yeah, that was a pun*
12. Be an extra for a huge film
13. Learn to play the violin
13. Get my pilots license
14. Have a concert on a roof top, main street
15. Walk around with vanilla pudding in a mayo jar
16. Walk around in a public area and randomly trip in front of people (youtube it. hilarious)
17. Go to a big mall and pretend to be a celebrity
18. Be part of a flash mob
19. Throw a pie in someone's face. Whipped cream and all.
20. Carve something into a tree
21. Change someone's life

List of 21 things cause we die on the 21st... didya catch that? Good.
On a serious note, I have to survive this. Pretty Little Liars comes back in January and I am not missing that.
**This post was for entertainment purposes only. The world will not end, calm down.

-Little Abigail

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dear Santa...

The other day my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I drew in a long breath and prepared myself to give her a long response.. but I had nothing to say! I couldn't think of what I wanted for Christmas!! Never in my life have I hesitated when someone asked me what I wanted. Even over text it took me a while to reply to my friends with an answer. I don't look at this as something bad though. To me, this just means that I'm content with my life and everything I have :)
Still, I compiled a little list of things I wouldn't mind receiving this year haha.. and I've been a pretty good kid this year :)
Breaking Dawn Calender
Cute clothes (like the ones on Pinterest hahaha!!)

Huckleberry jam (I'm obsessed)
Jewelry, duh.
Crazy print leggings (not this pattern but you get the point)
THIS sweater hahahaha :) :)

Friday, December 7, 2012


I've been... 
STRESSED (and I'm not even in college yet, gah).
Reading: Dr. Faustus, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and A Tale of Two Cities (the latter is soo good. I must admit I fell asleep reading it a few times because it's so descriptive. The ending though... I absolutely love Carton) Can ya tell I'm in Brit Lit?
Watching: nothing at all, no time
Eating: celery with peanut butter!
Listening: ACDC and Bon Jovi <3
Something funny: the other day I asked my little sister a probing question.. "If you could sum up your life to me in two sentences what would you say? Go!" And she hesitantly replied, "uhh.. I don't know who I am!" Hahaha, but really. It's quite a tough question. I'm not sure how I would answer it.
Something I've learned: Today in Brit Lit we had an activity in which we had to insult each other. yep. We were told to insult other classmates. However, the insults needed to be words that Shakespeare used in his plays.
Here are a few I came up with...
"You lumpish, half-faced maggot-pie."
"Thou vain, onion-eyed measle."
"You infectious, fen-sucked joint-head."
Let's start using these to degrade others!! Hahaha jkjk
Wishing: to touch the moon...
Also, my best friend was accepted to travel to Belgium as a foreign exchange student!! Ahh!! Anyone know what Belgium's like??

Wish me luck on my piano recital,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tis the Season!

This Thanksgiving break I....
ate a ton ton Thanksgiving night.. you know.. to the point where you have to unbutton you pants ha!
went to Walmart after for Black Friday shopping!! Crazzzyyy wild
Went mega shopping the next day = no sleep
Put up Christmas decorations... fa la la la la
watched my father perform abdominal thrusts on my sister... scary. she's ok though!
had pumpkin pie for breakfast :)
pretended to be the lost boys with my sisters :) :) :)
all you need is faith, trust & pixie dust!
What'd ya'll do this break??
-Miss Abigail 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Some of these paranoid people have a point..

Do you ever just go to yahoo and scroll through their news thingy? Yesterday I stumbled upon an article titled How to Devise Passwords That Drive Hackers Away. Boy, did I click on that sucker. You guys know I was recently hacked.. and I know it was through Facebook, which is extremely common, but it still scared me. My freshmen year I was also hacked by my friends and that scared me even worse. I now have a really complex password to get into my email. Although, I am like most people and have the same password for most of my accounts. But guys.. these people are intense! This gal who wrote the article (Nicole Perlroth from New York Times) is superrrr paranoid! I applaud that she is trying to be safe but danngg! She said "...I set up unique, complex passwords for every Web site, enabled two-step identification for my email accounts, and even covered up my computer's Web camera with a piece of masking tape - a precaution that invited ridicule from friends and co-workers who suggested it was time to get my head checked..."
I've never really thought of that. I've always that the two-step think would be a pain and a burden. Covering up the camera.. Never thought of that. But to think that there are people watching you out there.. absolutely disgusting.
She also gave her readers some tips on how to avoid getting hacked.
1) If your password is in the dictionary it's too simple. Hackers will easily be able to hack into your account within a few hours.
2) A common mistake = using the same password more than once. But who doesn't do that?!
3) She suggested in choosing a catch phrase as a password. A strong password is over 14 characters long. But it must also be something that we could remember like a song lyric or favorite movie quote.
4) Don't just keep all your passwords on your computer or a stickie note, like me. Ha! Nicole made a point here. If something ever happened to my stickie note I'm in trouble. If anything ever happened to my computer I'm also toast. She said her paranoid friend kept his passwords on an encrypted USB drive. He memorized a long chain of random letters and numbers to the USB drive, but does not know the passwords himself. "That way, if someone puts a gun to my head and demands to know my password, I can honestly say I don't know it." 
I can honestly say I learned a lot from this article, but most of it was too intense for little Abigail.
BUT I just haaad to scroll down and look at all the comments. Some were just too much!

Friday, November 9, 2012

I have a different opinion from the rest of the school...

I hate having a different opinion from the rest of the student body. But isn't that life? Aren't we called to go against society? To act purely and be kind to all? God said that we will be persecuted.. and man have I been through that lately. But it will all be worth it in the end. I need to spread the Good News and also let everyone know that IT IS OK to be pure, chaste and drug-free.
Anywhoo.. wow I got off topic. 
My town is extremely blessed. Our high school gives us laptops to use as "educational tools." This started when I was in elementary school. It's been less than ten years with these. When one enters middle school (6th grade) you are given a laptop. You can take it home.. game hard.. pinterest hard.. whatever. They are used for writing a billion essays and doing research.. our teachers email us assignments.. well it's great. This year we did something different. The middle schoolers now have ipads with otter boxes. They seem to be ok with it. My sisters have them and get all their work done. BUT... they don't write an essay every night or have huge research papers.. I have my own ipad at home and it's very hard to type on them. I know what you're thinking-Get a keyboard. They won't let us take the cases off, sorry. The internet is significantly slower.. and the downsides go on and on. The teachers want to start give the high school ipads next year as well. I don't want ipads. I LOVE MY LAPTOP. It's so nice. The ipads are great too, sure, but for middle schoolers. I agree with the rest of the student body when I say that I do not want an ipad. The reason for this change-money. The administration has told us that laptops cost too much. Alright.
Here's the problem- the entire school is acting like a bunch of brats. Was that too harsh? Calling my friends brats? No. You should see what they're doing and saying. Next week a boy scheduled a high school "sit-in." Where the entire student body is to sit in the commons when school starts and not go to any classes for the entire day as a protest. The creator of this event made it clear that there would be no rude back talk to the teachers. He said he would serve as spokesperson and do all the talking. Now please understand that the ipad problem is not the only reason he started the event. We have also recently established a drug-testing policy. Like at any other high school, there is a bit of a drug problem... Drug-testing is fine with me. I don't do drugs. The people that do should be punished, sure. But the way they're doing it... Every student in a club or sport may be called at random to be tested for drugs. You are guilty until proven innocent. Uh, uh, girl. That's not ok. Some students don't like the drug testing at all, while others, like me, just don't like the way they're doing it. The third problem- the administration wants to change our four block schedule to an eight block schedule. Uh Uh. No way, Jose. This one I don't like. Neither do the other students here. This one is still far fetched though. 
So. Everyone is acting rudely, disrespectfully and all. We should be thankful that we have these great rights. What other school in this country gives their students laptops?! Not many... I think we should say something like so, "Hey administration! How about this- the high schoolers keep their laptops and we'll compromise money from somewhere else. Also, let's review this new policy. It's pretty unjust. And let's not waste our time changing something that doesn't need to be fixed. Thanks XOXO."
I think I'm in the right here. Hey peers-let's not talk badly behind our teachers. Let's not tweet bad about them. Let's not be spoiled brats. I don't want that to be our reputation. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Heap of Shenanigans

Just cause..
I like this tattoo a lot! I would never get one though, ha.

I absolutely adore these dresses

and this outfit!

Now... this morning I made my guess.
I'm watching the news now and I haven't gotten any guess wrong yet!
At least not that I'm aware of.. What if I get it straight on? Creepy..
(This is my prediction.. may or may not be my opinion)

Sandy.. :(
Let's continue praying for those poor people

:) :)

Remember this boy band?! Ha. I was so obsessed. 

Holy crab.

Ryan Gosling cake.

Monday, November 5, 2012

It's that time again... UPDATE TIME

It's been a while hasn't it?
Since my last blog post I have learned how to properly work Twitter
(Follow me @ abbey_morales) 
I now have around 30 tweets :)
No, I'm not one of those people that start all the twitter fights.
Sorry, I'm not that exciting.
Let's not forget instagram :)
Follow me @ aneffervescentday
Also, please pleaseee watch this trailer
yay for lyrics!!

now let's talk school. 
Gah! Junior year is kicking my butt!
Was it this way for you guys? 
In U.S. History 2 we got a new seating arrangement. 
How childish is that?! Seating arrangements.
Anywhoo, now I sit by these two boys that are the definition of annoying. 
These two boys (let's name them Bob and Bo) are the reason we mature children have to suffer through seating arrangements. Bo is totally obsessed with my friend Gabbie. No joke. Remember when we were little and the boys would pull our pony tails to show that they liked us? He shows his love for her in this way. He picks no her constantly and doesn't stop talking to her. It's kind of funny.. well no. It's not funny. And Bob calls me a terrorist the whole class period. Nuff said.

Let's talk election day.
Is anyone else as nervous as I am for the election?
Now let's not start any fights on here..
But I am really worried about this country.
May God bless us with a President that will lead the country to the right place.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

7 Life Lessons Written by an Almost-17-year-old

1. "Pain is like cloth. The stronger it is the more it's worth." Never cry out in pain. Instead, learn to offer up that pain to God for your own sins.
2. In the end, your family wil be there for you.. not your friends or your job. So respect and love your family. You should treat them even better than you treat your friends (I always have trouble with this one).
3. Always smile (especially to strangers. It might be the only sunshine they see all day!!).
4. Pray.
5. Be independent.
6. Try new things and be open-minded. I've totally experienced this my Junior year. I'm thinking of playing soccer in the Spring, going back to volleyball, and I'm joining sooo many clubs and groups. Try new things guys.. we have nothing to lose. The other day I decided to represent the teenagers and young children of our parish and be in the Parish Council. I was appointed along with a Senior :) Represent! ha.
7. Learn at least one new thing a day.
My birthday is this Sunday.. 
I'm so excited!!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I've been hacked

A couple weeks ago I noticed some suspicious stuff on my Facebook..
As in my relationship status was changed from "single"to "in a relationship status."
Uh uh. No. No. I'M SINGLE! 
At first I assumed that it was one of my friends playing a joke on me..
I was all like..

And now I get on facebook and it says this
You've got to be kidding me

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Christian Pick-Up Lines

A while ago I found this site with Christian pick up lines. They. Are. Hilarious. 
Unlike my friends who say they would be creeped out, I think it'd be uber cute and sweet if a guy
tried one of these lines on me hahaha!!!!
Here are the best of the best... well, just my favorite.

You can find more here.

Bye girl,