Sunday, February 10, 2013

and then I thought, "I need to blog about this."

Do you ever just lay down late Sunday night and think.. What a weekend. 
Friday I went to lunch with my friend and her sister.. I was supposed to go to the basketball game, but I just didn't feel like it. So I stayed home and drew! I'll post pictures later. They're going to an art show wooooh! :D
Saturday was hectic, of course. 9th Annual Horton Hears A Who party! Each year the entire community comes together to celebrate life and have a good time. (haha that sounded pretty cliche but it's the truth. Pictures later, sorry) Every year I'm put in charge of the cake walk.. and I have sooo much fun. I love it. However this year, I was put in charge of the coin toss. Not as fun, but I wasn't bored. The kids were sooo cute. I went to bed very satisfied with the day.. but woke up at 3:00 am... with the sound of my sister barfing in the bathroom. Greaaaat. I guess she spent the entire night in the bathroom and didn't get any sleep. Poor thing. So my mom took her to the clinic in the morning.. and left me with my dog and other sister. Of course... the other sister starts puking when she's gone. I begin disinfecting everything. I did the dishes, laundry.. scrubbed down every handle, door knob, every surface.. everything. I washed my hands so many times they now feel like raisins. I brushed my teeth like 7 times today. Washed my face too. It was just my dog and I.. against the world of germs. I thought, "This feels like I Am Legend." Just us against the world.. all alone.. So I watched the movie :) Spoiler. But then it got to the part where Dr. Neville had to kill Sam.. and I started crying so hard. I couldn't compare my day to the movie anymore. I didn't want to be forced to kill my dog :( But the movie was great nonetheless. So I continued my day wearing an apron with pockets.. and in the pockets were two big bottles of germex: my best friend :) Pictures later, sorry again.
After quite the day.. I laid down to relax.. and then I thought, "I need to blog about this."
Pictures later because I'm already comfy,
Abbey the germaphobe :)

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