Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 1

My sister is gone for the next 5 days for Expedition Yellowstone. Ahh I remember going on the same trip when I was a mere guppie in the eighth grade.

We snowshoed in the Mammoth in Yellowstone National Park for miles every day. The guide taught us so much I can't even begin to tell you. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I look forward to the day I am old enough to chaperone.
As a little joke, I am going to make a blog update each day for my sister.. so she doesn't miss anything! hahah when I went on the 5-day trip my sisters left me soooo many notes and drawings. It was touching. I shall return the favor. Through blog posts.
Day 1 
Ok, let's go straight to the food. Dinner was absolutely great! It's been a while since I've eaten so much! I munched on some green beans, homemade potato salad, chicken and salad. Then Vicky made me a nice sundae.. yum yum. I practiced some piano because I made the terrible mistake of promising my teacher I would memorize 4 pages of sheet music for the piano competition. Big mistake, big mistake. I'm already frustrated.
Like everyday, I learned a lot in school today. I would very much like to share what I learned today, with you dearest Jessica, my sister.
1. Bone is considered connective tissue.
2. Blood is considered connective tisssue too.
3. Steve Hartman is a very talented man. He made me cry.
Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that I bought a car today.. I guess that's big news. My first car. I look forward to all the adventures we will share in that car, Jude. I think that's its name. Cya!

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